Victoria's Secret closed for good here... I guess it was just not profitable in the end for anyone, least of all for the owners. The customers didn't like it that much either, I guess that cringy promotion from the 2000s has yet to disappear from... — read more
Their secret is out
The Astoria store closed! Victoria's Secret is a dinosaur. It was relevant in the 2000s. Not in the 2020s.
What's keeping this place afloat
It can't be the prices.
The stock is up which means
Which means business is good, right?
A comeback (?)
Victoria's Secret had a rocky relationship with their customers in mid-2010s but I think they rebranded themselves nicely and in a timely manner in these 2020s. Maybe the brand could still be saved.
A pity that Victoria's Secret closed
It was a bad mistake to close the Victoria's Secret in Brockton. If only the store was managed better the store could have been open to this day and thrive too. Victoria's Secret has already proved that it can adapt to the times so why not this store... — read more
Victoria's Secret is on a path of redemption
The company is clearly trying its best to keep up with the changes in culture. It is adapting. It's gonna survive.
Victoria's Secret in Frackville
I think it closed. I can't find any information on it anywhere.
The Pueblo store is gone
Victoria's Secret just can't compete with the new brands these days.
Looks like Victoria's Secret in Chestnut Hill is no more
The Chestnut Hill store is not operating anymore. I'm not sure what made them leave Chestnut Hill.
When did they close?
When did Victoria's Secret close in Capitola? I can't find that information anywhere online.
This store closed in 2020
IIRC it was because of the pandemic.
Not open for business anymore on 94 Derby Street
Forgive me for this but... it's no secret that Victoria's Secret closed its doors in Hingham. The company is a shadow of its former self.
Victoria's Secret closed not so long ago their Shrewsbury store.
Very bad, very bad indeed. The store was JUST starting to improve and now all of a sudden, out of nowhere, it closed. For no dang reason! Ugh, this is just so inconvenient for me. I don't want to travel all over New Jersey to buy a nice pair of... — read more
Victoria's Secret Bayside store has gone out of business.
The place doesn't exist anymore.
Victoria's Secret's Wausau store closed.
Really frustrating. I'm not sure why the store went out of business. I suppose that it didn't perform well enough? Who knows.
Great sale
Victoria's Secret closed but they had an amazing sale before doing so. Am I horrible for looking forward to these closures solely for the fact that the closing sales are the bo-b?
I thought this Victoria's Secret closed, wow
It seems like a relic from a bygone era...
Victoria's Secret in Cary is closed now
Can't remember when it closed but it sure did.
Closed Victoria's Secret Ames
The store's closure is a real shame. Their variety of their selection was real nice to have, but the staff was sometimes unfriendly so maybe that played a part in the closing.
Avon's Victoria's Secret closed.
I guess we should have seen this coming. I never saw the store being that busy in its heyday so when it closed it shouldn't have come as a surprise to anybody.
Low traffic led to closing of Victoria's Secret
Low traffic led to closing. I don't think Victoria's Secret is at blame here though because malls have been going through a depression of their own lately. Victoria's Secret is just a casualty of the situation. The Victoria's Secret was a relatively... — read more
Beautiful clothes but in the end that wasn't enough
I bought so many cute accessories and clothes from Victoria's Secret. Their Meriden location was nice, maybe not the best but definitely nice. I was disappointed to hear Victoria's Secret decided to close the store.
Reorganization of Victoria's Secret
Reorganization sometimes is necessary in these retail businesses. You need to keep things fresh to keep up with the interests of the customers and if you fail that, well... we know what happens. Closures left and right. No business wants that... — read more
No. It's not closing - this year or the next.
Heard a rumor about this store. Is it true?
I heard a few days ago that Victoria's Secret in Fresno would be closing next year. How true is that?
Well... thanks... I guess?
I'm completely indifferent to this closing.
I just thought it was worth mentioning that Mandeville has closed. I didn't like or dislike the store myself, I've actually never been there. I just found out about the closing, is all.
Victoria's Secret in South Barrington closed
I've never had the pleasure to do my shopping here but same thing with the Miami store, Victoria's Secret's gotta try and modernize their locations!
Miami Victoria's Secret closed
This store closed before covid was a thing, so what's their excuse? They should try and modernize their stores, try to appeal to gen z's and millennials/zillennials.
And how would you know that many more stores will soon follow? Instinct and hunches aren't credible sources, sorry.
Closed, of course.
Victoria's Secret closed. There genuinely wasn't anything that the company could have done to make their stores - and this one in particular - appeal to the new generations. It closed and I know that many more stores will soon follow.
Victoria's Secret Closed
Shame that it's gone now.
Victoria's Secret closed in Bloomington
Everyone saw this coming. Victoria's Secret just isn't what it used to be so it's no surprise to see their stores close left and right.
Closed in Pasadena. Out of luck
Tough luck. Victoria's Secret ought to evolve with the times if they don't want to see their stores be closed left and right. The Victoria's Secret store on 280 E Colorado Blvd in Pasadena CA could be still open if it was only managed a little... — read more
Closed just when I needed it
At the time, no Victoria's Secret store had ling--ie that was my size, and then when I finally lost the weight and could buy whatever I wanted from this store - they immediately end up closing. Just my luck. It would be kind of funny if it weren't so... — read more
Well, it's closed
Can't say I'm entirely surprised that this Victoria's Secret closed. This whole store went down the drain a few months before they announced the closure of the Cedar Falls location. I dunno what exactly went wrong in the management to cause the... — read more