Thread regarding Office Depot

Office Depot will close nearly 100 stores

I have just read the most alarming thing in regards to Office Depot that caught me off guard in a major way.

They are planning to close nearly 100 stores in the next two years and what's worse I couldn't find any list of the stores that they are planning to cut.

| 384 views | | 4 replies (last November 13, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+haZPrz4U

4 replies (most recent on top)

And I mean in Austin specifically. Great stores.

Post ID: @xdg+haZPrz4U

And, while I know that it is selfish to think like that, I don't care as long as none of the stores in Texas get closed.

Post ID: @ukc+haZPrz4U

I have a feeling that a lot of the closings might happen in California but that's just a simple hunch and nothing more.

Post ID: @smg+haZPrz4U

Got the news from this link if anyone is interested. -> Anyway, does anyone have a list of the stores that will close?

Post ID: @fpa+haZPrz4U

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