Thread regarding Office Depot

Office Depot, Office Max and Staples all have issues

They all want to sell you warranties and nobody cares about physical stores, they want to sell to corporate customers. That's goal #1 for all of them. And all of them close stores all the time and there is a lot of layoffs in Corporate and in stores.

| 323 views | | 1 reply (April 4, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+geFG2C1h

1 reply

I used to have what Dilbert called 'boomerang managers' when I worked at an OfficeMax who told me to lie to customers to get them to buy high profit margin service plans.

The reason I refused was that the 'boomerang manger' would be gone, and I would be the one who had to deal with the angry customer.

I'm sure that this happens at other companies as well.

Post ID: @bsmha+geFG2C1h

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