Thread regarding Things Remembered

What's Things Remembered status? What's going on with all these closures?

ALL Long Island stores are closing. Their Roseville Galleria location is closing. That North Jackson distribution center is closing down, resulting in terrible layoffs. I think 100 or so jobs are being cut. Things Remembered is closed in Brookfield Square in Brookfield, WI. Where else? I know more stores are closing.

Things Remembered as a company said that they're doing okay and that this is common in running retail stores. I agree with that but somehow this seems different to me. What's their TRUE status? Is Things Remembered in big trouble and the truth is being hidden as to not cause panic, mostly among the employees? I wouldn't panic per se, but I would be worried if my favorite Things Remembered store would be closing down and I had no idea about it.

| 221 views | | 4 replies (last February 17, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kCk7rlP

4 replies (most recent on top)

@Cowi+1kCk7rlP Wow. How come

Post ID: @Ckut+1kCk7rlP

Effective 12/28/22, all Things Remembered stores have permanently closed.

Post ID: @Cowi+1kCk7rlP

You're right. That's quite a lot of stores closing, almost back-to-back.

Post ID: @2nnb+1kCk7rlP

All the Long Island stores are closing, oh wow...

Post ID: @tis+1kCk7rlP

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