Thread regarding Pei Wei Asian Diner

CLOSED: Pei Wei Springfield, PA — the end of Philadelphia

Pei Wei just shuttered it’s last Pennsylvania, and Philadelphia-region, location—from the 6 we used to have.

Springfield always seemed to have been doing a good business.

My how far the chain has fallen from its height—just 10 short years ago. What a shame.

Pei Wei should just shut all of its chain down now and put us out of the misery.

| 954 views | no reactions | 2 replies (last November 15, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1g0aajod
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2 replies (most recent on top)

@3Eiqo+1g0aajod I know, right? I legit don't get it either. Shame.

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Post ID: @3Ishm+1g0aajod

Why did they close in the first place. It was a good location and seemed to be doing well. What happened??😭

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Post ID: @3Eiqo+1g0aajod

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