Topics regarding store closing at Yoshinoya

Topics regarding store closing at Yoshinoya

A pleasant thing

Yoshinoya still being relevant in 2025 is a pleasant thing. I really thought they would cease to exist.

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Post ID: @OP+1jpr761x5
| Regarding Yoshinoya

Yoshinoya should invest in Long Beach

Yoshinoya in Long Beach could do much better. I don't know... invest in remodeling or something. Something does need to be changed for the better for the Yoshinoya to thrive again. We cannot be happy with the state of things when things could always... — read more 

Food is not that great at Yoshinoya

I tell you, be careful if eating at Yoshinoya. Food is iffy.... But that's my opinion, my wife loves them. I see them closing restaurants in future.

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Post ID: @OP+geNbuTLq
| Regarding Yoshinoya

great food

i like it here, but i can see why some people complain about dirty tables and floors...

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