I'm really happy about this myself. It's very convenient when I go to work.
The QuikTrip closing has an interesting excuse
https://www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/closing-quiktrip-blames-small-footprint-closes-store-by-tu This gave me a bit of a chuckle because... well... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeveryone's to blame except the owners it seems... I better stop before I say how I... — read more
Such a Hassle - QuikTrip Plano Closure
I saw this coming a mile away and it sucks. Sure, I get why people hated the QuikTrip on 901 W Bark Blvd but I thought it was a useful store. The closure was a huge inconvenience.
One QuikTrip closed. No big deal
https://www.myleaderpaper.com/news/quiktrip-closes-eureka-location-to-build-new-one/article_354e9436-2522-11eb-ba00-771a2048d003.html Since they were building another one.
Will Quiktrip close here?
Hopefully not, but I'm just checking anyways just in case.
Must be soon, however
QuikTrip will also close here too
QuikTrip will close in Johnston too. No idea when it's going to be closed either
QuikTrip will close this location Clive
QuikTrip will close this location but I dunno when. Does anyone know?
One more QuikTrip coming to Sherman
QuikTrip plans to have another location in Sherman, Texas. As the already existing gas station has been such a success since it opened, they are pushing to have another one built soon. It seems they are already hiring management and employees, with... — read more
They need more stores
Not less - QuikTrip should grow. Ninja's of retail. Add more stores in Kansas.