Topics regarding store closing at QuikTrip

Topics regarding store closing at QuikTrip

The QuikTrip closing has an interesting excuse This gave me a bit of a chuckle because... well... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeveryone's to blame except the owners it seems... I better stop before I say how I... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1tHeENzJ
| Regarding QuikTrip

Such a Hassle - QuikTrip Plano Closure

I saw this coming a mile away and it sucks. Sure, I get why people hated the QuikTrip on 901 W Bark Blvd but I thought it was a useful store. The closure was a huge inconvenience.

One QuikTrip closed. No big deal Since they were building another one.

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Post ID: @OP+19O9f6bs
| Regarding QuikTrip

One more QuikTrip coming to Sherman

QuikTrip plans to have another location in Sherman, Texas. As the already existing gas station has been such a success since it opened, they are pushing to have another one built soon. It seems they are already hiring management and employees, with... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+gVc65w3E
| Regarding QuikTrip

They need more stores

Not less - QuikTrip should grow. Ninja's of retail. Add more stores in Kansas.

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Post ID: @OP+gcG5iOh0
| Regarding QuikTrip

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