The Brandon store was excellent.
Play N Trade closed in San Mateo
Seems they have closed
Play N Trade left their Austin store
I do not usually go and buy my stuff at Play N Trade but I found this store to be really accommodating and the staff was quite friendly and immensely helpful. It is such a bummer that they have closed this location.
play n trade gone from this place
here, this store that i was talking about. this location has closed long ago in alameda. i did not shop there often but from what i remember it was a good store. not the best, they did not have a wide selection of games (that were to my taste) though... — read more
play n trade alameda closed
this location has closed long ago in alameda california. i did not shop there often but from what i remember it was a good store. not the best, they did not have a wide selection of games (that were to my taste) though their service was really good... — read more
Play N Trade not open
Play N Trade had closed their store here in Idaho Falls some time ago. I am not entirely certain as to why this store needed to go but that is what happened in any case. They are not open anymore on this location.
Play N Trade left Burbank
No wonder nobody mentioned that the Play N Trade here in Burbank closed. To make an understatement, this store wasn't the greatest so obviously nobody is missing it. The staff was nice though. Hope they're working in a better store now.
I want to know where they are moving to
Play N Trade closed here
They closed here. But when?
Will Play N Trade be affected by online commerce as well?
Online commerce is slowly k–ling traditional stores. Can it be prevented at all? I can't remember the last time someone bought a video game from an actual store rather than just ordering it online and I'm really afraid that Play N Trade might be... — read more
Store closed - Bye Play N Trade
I'm not sure if this is true, but I read online that they couldn't renew their lease at this Mount Laurel store in New Jersey and they had to close. I suppose the rent was too high in that area or something.
A dying business of Play N Trade
I think all of this will move online. Play N Trade will close stores, kids will trade online and that's it. That's my prediction but I am not an expert.
Poor service!
Universe doesn't need this store at all!