Topics regarding store closing at O'Charley's

Topics regarding store closing at O'Charley's

Closing next month

I am truly dreading next month solely because this O'Charley's closing. My son has autism and responds badly to change - you can see where I am going with this. If his favorite restaurant closes he will have a total meltdown. I just can't see myself... — read more 

Boardman O'Charley's closes sadly

This is a good description of them. I do love O'Charley's for having a southern comfort flavor to it. It definitely isn't a completely authentic southern restaurant though, as my wife's parents are southern so I know the subtle differences... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jm31m0da
| Regarding O'Charley's

O'Charley's replaced by a sushi restaurant

It looks like that O'Charley's has now become a sushi restaurant on Browns Bridge Road in Gainesville. I haven't been there before but I know it hurts when an O'Charley's close so soon before their time. It also is just not a good luck for the... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1wa18N6F
| Regarding O'Charley's

Open no longer in Antioch

O'Charley's in Antioch was a nice place to hang out. I had the blues ever since it closed. I can't help but wonder what went wrong here. O'Charley's had everything going for it but something obviously went wrong. I feel a bit sick knowing it's closed... — read more 

Another closing - Aug, 2023

I got an email today (8/21/23) that the O'Charley's in Greenwood, SC is now closed. This site no longer appears on their location list.

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Post ID: @OP+1odQ1htf
| Regarding O'Charley's

Evansville lost O'Charley's.

Evansville lost O'Charley's on June 11th because of underperformance. I did notice a really big dip in quality the past few months but I didn't want to comment on it in case I would jinx something. I guess it didn't matter in the end as the... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1nsSVXCZ
| Regarding O'Charley's

Which O'Charley's have closed in 2021, 2022?

Can anyone share that information here if possible? Is such information even public? I know there can be some stealthy closings, locations close but without people noticing. I wonder how many of such closings happened.

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Post ID: @OP+1ju02UsU
| Regarding O'Charley's

O'Charley's closed this month

I'm almost 100% sure that the O'Charley's on 285 S Colonial Promenade in Alabaster closed earlier this month. I don't think that the restaurant ever had a booming business. Lack of traffic always seemed to me to be an issue for O'Charley's in... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1jgaWoGL
| Regarding O'Charley's

Permanently closed in Asheville

Huge loss for Asheville once the O'Charley's on 2 Kenilworth Knolls closed permanently a while ago. It was never the best O'Charley's in North Carolina but it was one of the better ones if you ask me. Bring it back. The closing was a disgrace. — read more 

Permanently closed due to the pandemic

O'Charley's in Gulfport Mississippi closed permanently because of the pandemic, which is a real loss. O'Charley's is a great restaurant. It's pretty disheartening seeing it close.

Lease issue, or so I heard

O'Charley's Meridian closure was a shock but it makes sense if the reason for the closure was something related to their lease. I can't confirm if it's true but like I said, it just makes sense.

Another O'Fallon O'Charley's gone

What happened? Another O'Charley's closed in O'Fallon. The 2204 Hwy K location was pretty sweet too and they were following the covid guidelines...

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Post ID: @OP+1dkqAJwY
| Regarding O'Charley's

Champaign O'Charley's closes.

O'Charley's tragically closed back in January at 730 W. Town Center Boulevard and I'm still can't accept the fact that they're gone. What a waste.

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Post ID: @OP+1a2q7xur
| Regarding O'Charley's

How's O'Charley's doing? (2020)

Hey am I crazy or is O'Charley's doing relatively well during this messed-up pandemic? So many chains are failing business-wise and filing for bankruptcy and I just don't see O'Charley's following the same path. Is it just me?

Worrying about O'Charley's

I have a lot of love for this company but I have to take off my rose colored glasses and see the chain for what it is - a chain that struggles like any other business during this pandemic. Will they survive or...? I'm so worried.

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Post ID: @OP+hqrff3oG
| Regarding O'Charley's

why is o'charley's in greenwood sc closed

why is o'charley's in greenwood sc closed and when can we expect the restaurant to reopen again. it is such a great place to hang out and eat both so to think that it would close permanently would make me really depressed.

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Post ID: @OP+hmaE6IOC
| Regarding O'Charley's

O'Charley's recently closed a restaurant

O'Charley's closed a restaurant recently and I just have a feeling that it didn't do that good financially, which is understandable. It's just business and the location in the Nashville International Airport in Tennessee had to be closed.

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Post ID: @OP+hhyZYJLE
| Regarding O'Charley's

Nobody is perfect not even O'Charley's

I always hate to admit whenever an O'Charley's restaurant is mediocre. I fully admit that I am biased and I hate to say the truth whenever they mess up but they did with this location. It's probably why it closed too.

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