Topics regarding store closing at Na Hoku

Topics regarding store closing at Na Hoku

Na Hoku store didn't stand a chance in Denver

Na Hoku in Denver in Colorado shuttered. I cannot say I am shocked by this as this was sort of inevitable. Jewelers like these just don't cut it in this area and I think the only think Denver people want from Hawaii is to be in Hawaii and its... — read more 

Oak Brook closed store (Na Hoku)

The store closed in Oak Brook. It was a nice store with really authentic (or so they told me) jewelry. I bought many fashionable pieces. It's sad to see that it failed and that it is no longer open for business. I really enjoyed what they had on... — read more 

Na Hoku Hawaiian Jewelry

Don't worry about Na Hoku Hawaiian Jewelry - they are amazing and priced well. They will never close, as long as they remain very focused.

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Post ID: @OP+gcXREu9H
| Regarding Na Hoku

Was not aware of this brand (Na Hoku)

During our recent trip to Hawaii I got familiar with Na Hoku. Good brand. I know that at least one Hawaii store was closed but they are really good

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Post ID: @OP+g5W9vQ0n
| Regarding Na Hoku

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