I didn't know it closed. Was a bit surprised.
Na Hoku store didn't stand a chance in Denver
Na Hoku in Denver in Colorado shuttered. I cannot say I am shocked by this as this was sort of inevitable. Jewelers like these just don't cut it in this area and I think the only think Denver people want from Hawaii is to be in Hawaii and its... — read more
Oak Brook closed store (Na Hoku)
The store closed in Oak Brook. It was a nice store with really authentic (or so they told me) jewelry. I bought many fashionable pieces. It's sad to see that it failed and that it is no longer open for business. I really enjoyed what they had on... — read more
Na Hoku Hawaiian Jewelry
Don't worry about Na Hoku Hawaiian Jewelry - they are amazing and priced well. They will never close, as long as they remain very focused.
Was not aware of this brand (Na Hoku)
During our recent trip to Hawaii I got familiar with Na Hoku. Good brand. I know that at least one Hawaii store was closed but they are really good
Great Store and NOT CLOSED for now
I would recommend it to anyone - it's well supplied and Na Hoku is a gem. It's not closed