Topics regarding store closing at Levi's

Topics regarding store closing at Levi's

Below average store closes

Levi's in Beverly Hills closed a few years ago. Who was shocked by this? I can't say anyone was shocked, truthfully. Beverly Hills is... not... in the need of an average retailer who is now just a shadow of its former self. They never wanted to... — read more 

Does anyone shop at Levi's anymore

Honest question. I don't even know if they have any stores left. They seem like such a thing of the past. They're so outdated and so out of fashion. Nobody talks about Levi's like they used to in the past. Maybe we should all leave it in the past and... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1qEFykxS
| Regarding Levi's

Levi's future for now

they will suffer as new kids do not respect them like generation X millennial are tough to please good luck to levi's hope no stores are closed be brave

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Post ID: @OP+gcNudMG2
| Regarding Levi's

Levi's lost it's way long time ago

Now, they are just a shell of what they used to be - they keep adding stores but who's shopping there - you are talking at 100% super expensive stuff - 100 dollar jeans - come on - who would cry if they were to close all stores?

| 220 views | no reactions | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+g73maMP6
| Regarding Levi's

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