And yet this one in Carmel did. Half of the country is unhealthy and obese. We cannot allow our health to go down the drain!
In-Shape Lompoc closed
In-Shape closed the Lompoc location rather unceremoniously. I think it happened during the pandemic. In-Shape was hit rather hard when it first started, as I imagine most gyms were at the time. They are still open at other places though. Sad what... — read more
In-Shape gym closed last month
I think they closed last month, or in April not really sure when - or why. Was the gym too dirty or something? Did they equipment break? That's all easily taken care of though, I see no reason that those things could shut down this Pittsburg In-Shape... — read more
closing holiday fairfield
rumor passing around closing of this facility. is it true? i am a member
Good business: In-Shape Health Clubs
They are minting money, granted they are just in California, the fact is there are no closures of stores for In-Shape Health Clubs. I hope they continue to add locations and that they expand outside California.
Super overpriced - they may as well close
As far as I am concerned - ISHC is super pricey