But no, Aberdeen is still alive and well. I can't imagine why they would close considering how necessary their location is.
I was under the impression
I was under the impression that the store closed but I was mistaken. Affton is still open.
Of course it shuttered
It's common knowledge that it shuttered.
The rent was too high. At least that's what a former employee told me.
Why did H&R Block close?
So I can't help but wonder why H&R Block in Aledo closed? I can't find any information about this closing anywhere. Does anyone know what happened to the H&R Block store in Aledo? Any information would be great. Thank you very much for the help in... — read more
Yep it's closed for this month.
Should reopen by the end of it however.
H&R Block closed in San Francisco
If anyone was perhaps wondering if the H&R Block is closed or not - it is closed but it is only temporary. I don't understand why people are so ready to call it a permanent closing. It should reopen later this month.
They open, they close, they open
H&R Block in Bremen will do your taxes properly. But keep in mind they may open and close as people do not have the need to do taxes all the time. H&R Block in Bremen is a good location for taxes as long as you pay attention to how they cover their... — read more
400 smaller H&R Block offices closing
I guess having so many offices close to each other is taking its toll on H&R Block. The closing of 400 smaller offices has been announced. Hopefully this is not just a start to something bigger...
H&R Block Closing Locations Listing for 2017
HR Block updates? Anyone knows more? Is there a list?
Another NY HR Block location is closed for good. This could mean the end of the industry
HR Block closes locations every year
So, really, nobody is surprised as work is seasonal