Topics regarding store closing at Don Pablo's

Topics regarding store closing at Don Pablo's

Don Pablo's here is done. Over

I was honest to god saddened by the closing of this restaurant - it was a favorite of mine. My family and me would go and eat here for anniversaries and birthdays. The thought that its gone from this world makes me feel like I lost a pet or... — read more 

It shouldn't be closed

I am still so bummed out on how the restaurant closed. It had such a nice, welcoming and family-friendly atmosphere that I cannot see any good reason as to why it should have closed. I do not see any scenario in wherein this restaurant should have... — read more 

Lafayette closure

By far one of the worst Lafayette restaurants I've ever been to. Don Pablo's on 50 N Creasy Lane closed because of their bad quality most likely. Can't say I'm shedding any tears over it.

Newark closed a while ago

Newark was definitely not the best Don Pablo's. For me the biggest issue was how much you had to wait for your order to be done. I'm busy so I don't have extra time to waste.


Dang it. This was an unfortunate closure. Roseville had the worst luck lately with restaurants and stores closing mindlessly these past few years.

Merrillville was doomed to close

The Merrillville place was sad to say doomed to close. Since day 1 the food tasted bland and the people working there weren't that enthusiastic about their work. I don't blame them really. The restaurant business can be soul-crushingly boring. Even... — read more 

When did this close exactly?

My family and I really enjoyed this restaurant. We were here a couple of times. I didn't know that the chain went through so much. When did this place close exactly?

The last Don Pablo's has closed

The Deptford Mall in Gloucester County Don Pablo's was the very last restaurant of the chain in the country and it's truly sad to see it gone. I have so much fond memories of Don Pablo's that I find it very hard to believe that I will never eat there... — read more 

About gift card

Is there any other restaurant that I can use my Don Pablo's gift card at since there is no longer one located near me?

Manassas Location was closed

This is 100% confirmed - it was a so so location and there is a lot of other ones that are closing - see it here it's confirmed closed:

Ritchfield Closed and this is 100% accurate

Just search for DP Ritchfield closing - you will see this 100% - Look at the menu and you'll figure it out -they cannot survive with a menu like this - it's 2016 and people want more healthy choices - see it for yourself here

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