Topics regarding store closing at Claire's

Topics regarding store closing at Claire's

Claire's in Westside Pavilion closed

Maybe that's obvious to some but I thought it would be still good to say here that Claire's closed in Westside Pavillion in LA

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Post ID: @OP+1qSsRhQ0
| Regarding Claire's

Claire's store is closing on August 20

Claire's is gearing up for a closing soon. Next month in fact. I feel a lil' bad for the Marshfield Mall. This isn't the only store that has decided to pack their bags and leave and I know it won't be the last one either. The retail business is... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1hXwOTHs
| Regarding Claire's

Another 37 stores approved for closing

With the latest addition, now we know 132 stores will not make it through the bankruptcy procedures. Considering that Claire's has around 4,000 stores, this is still a small price to pay. I'm sure there'll be more, though.

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Post ID: @OP+gFV92ok6
| Regarding Claire's

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