Thread regarding Olive Garden

How hard as Covid 19 impacted Olive Garden's business

And when I mean impacted I mean, obviously, impacted negatively. Can Olive Garden survive next year? Or are they barely managing?

| 511 views | no reactions | 4 replies (last December 30, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+hz4M3dYc
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4 replies (most recent on top)

They're managing. Olive Garden will survive this crisis. Olive Garden still has a loyal customer base, let's not forget.

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Post ID: @bxlb+hz4M3dYc

Barely managing! But they're still staying afloat as opposed to some other companies.

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Post ID: @bmiu+hz4M3dYc

The chain is struggling, there's no denying it

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Post ID: @dvs+hz4M3dYc

Typo in title sorry about that. Has *

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Post ID: @ogy+hz4M3dYc

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