Thread regarding Pei Wei Asian Diner

Pei Wei at the Markets at Town Center has closed for good

This closure was so sudden, I do not understand? Why can't we have nice things? This is so sad to me Pei Wei was such a great diner and I wanted to visit it just once more during corona but it closed this summer so I had no chance. The last Pei Wei in Jacksonville is no more.

| 552 views | no reactions | 2 replies (last December 11, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+hxSqOHxB
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2 replies (most recent on top)

"Bummer. Pei Wei can be great when they put in the effort."

Totally agree! No lies detected!

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Post ID: @chwb+hxSqOHxB

Bummer. Pei Wei can be great when they put in the effort.

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Post ID: @bfhc+hxSqOHxB

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