Thread regarding The Cheesecake Factory

Financial troubles for the Cheesecake Factory because of COVID-19

The Cheesecake Factory has been dealt a massive financial blow due to coronavirus impeding with their business. Customers and workers alike I assume aren't showing up.

They cannot pay their rent in various places in the country so they asked their landlords to either hold still or help - both, preferably. I wonder if some locations will close for good? That would be horrible.

| 445 views | no reactions | 2 replies (last March 25, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+hiMeMfw6
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2 replies (most recent on top)

I knew this would happen. I agree. I think some locations will be completely closed after this outbreak passes over.

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Post ID: @qzg+hiMeMfw6

Honestly now that I think of it they might close some locations this year. In any case, I learned this through this article, link -

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Post ID: @voj+hiMeMfw6

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