Does anyone know if this store will be closing this year? I'm moving next year so I'm indifferent to the possibility of them closing after 2020 (it's harsh, I know) but since I'm still in the area for now it would s— if they closed.
3 replies (most recent on top)
Thanks for telling me that, I appreciate it really. Wish you a good weekend!
I shop at the 22nd and Old Spanish Trail store. The clerk there said that both Tucson-area Kirklands stores are closing. The one near me was 60% cleaned out over MLK Day weekend, after they had 2 people holding signs along the street. If this is any indication, Kirkland's is going to have a good quarterly return, considering these store closing sales will be combined with holiday sales for the entire Nov/Dec/Jan sales quarter.
Possible - I have the same question