Thread regarding Ricky's NYC

Ricky’s shutting down almost all of its stores. Two will remain for now

Ricky's was once a giant in its own right but times have changed. The beauty store will forever be remembered as part of New York's history and everyone I know who dabbles in fashion is mourning their upcoming closure.

By the end of summer, only two stores will be left (one in SoHo, the other in Union Square), but we all doubt that they're going to stay open....

| 268 views | | 2 replies (last January 11, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+h2rWPprf

2 replies (most recent on top)

Sadly, Soho closed in December 2019. The one left on B'way/Union Square doesn't look like it will last too long. Visit before its gone.

Post ID: @hvnao+h2rWPprf

I'm fairly sure that those two will remain open. It's just that their other stores couldn't be supported financially anymore - those remaining two should be fine I think.

Post ID: @bfeao+h2rWPprf

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