Thread regarding Toys R Us

List of all Toys R Us Stores Closing

Who may have the list of ALL Toys R Us stores that are closing. I'll also need a list with Babies R Us stores that will be closing soon. Ideally I'd have the following:

  • Texas, California and New York - address, phone number of stores closing
  • Perferably Ohio and Florida as well
  • Number of employees laid off
  • How many managers are laid off
  • What the impact on the Corporate office is.

If you have any detail please share it

Thank you! In advance and I hope you are all doing well.

Please share.

| 294 views | no reactions | 4 replies (last March 16, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+gr6dfBpR
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4 replies (most recent on top)

Where is it

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Post ID: @gwdxq+gr6dfBpR

The stores in boardman and niles ohio is not closing

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Post ID: @gufsz+gr6dfBpR


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Post ID: @gbmcf+gr6dfBpR

Do you have an updated list for February 2018?

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Post ID: @fzmrt+gr6dfBpR

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