Thread regarding Kmart in Wellsville


Please don't close this store. Wellsville is a small town with not many places to shop. This store is a great store, I would much rather shop in the Wellsville store than the Olean store. Always clean, well stocked and stock is.well located and always has someone to assist you when you need one.
It would be devastating if the K Mart goes out of Wellsville.
Thank you

| 267 views | | 3 replies (last May 17, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+gnEXujbO

3 replies (most recent on top)

A good store??? They closed electronics, Sporting goods and most of shelves are mostly empty. Sure wish that Walmart was here. Afew had to ruin it for everyone

Post ID: @llyrd+gnEXujbO

Are you kidding. They have closed the electronics department. Most of the shelves are empty. I can never find anything I need there and its the only store in the area. We need someone else to come in

Post ID: @gbhsz+gnEXujbO

I live in Wellsville and I can confirm this - great place

Post ID: @dqiu+gnEXujbO

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