Thread regarding Kmart

Why are managers behaving this way?

Our store managers and the corporate people in nice suites that do visit our stores want to act like everything is OK. It's not. The end is near.

| 212 views | | 2 replies (last August 17, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+gkYdEvxu

2 replies (most recent on top)

So true AnonymousC11 - Managers are just trying to earn a living

Post ID: @ctfwd+gkYdEvxu

Well what are you going to do, if you're a manager or corporate office worker? You have bills to pay and your own career to worry about – sometimes it's best to smile and ride it out to the end. No one's gonna blame a store manager for an entire chain's failure. Now the CEO and the board? That's a different story...

Post ID: @csjrt+gkYdEvxu

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