Thread regarding Radio Shack in Newark

I'll definitely miss our RS in Newark, Delaware

It was always well-stocked and clean.

The staff was knowledgeable and courteous.

And they always had just what I was looking for. I always liked browsing the "toys" there from when I was younger. I'm 63 now, and sad to see them go.

The times, they are a-changin'.

| 425 views | | 1 reply (June 4, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+gkO9s4OE

1 reply

Good heavens, where will I get my Memorex blank cassettes? Radio Shack was the "go to" electronics store of my youth and I hate to see them go. About a year ago I went into one looking for a pre-amp for my receiver to turntable. No one there had any idea what I meant.

Post ID: @cvf+gkO9s4OE

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