Thread regarding Sears in Longview


very poor upper level manager, is totally unaware of what happens in store or need for help in specific departments. not worried about taking care of customers, but more concerned about bottom line. bottom line will improve when policy re changed. for instance, shop your way sign ups will realty increase in tool dept, when syw customer are given an extra 10% discount, most shoppers are men who don't have time to sign up. give everyone a real tangible reason to sign up. the extra won't effect the bottom line but will increase it. so simple, why hasn't it happened before, again poor management.

| 239 views | | 1 reply (January 6, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+gc8gOAk6

1 reply

Good and 100% accurate post - I do not work in Longview but I was an associate in a different store and this is very similar

Post ID: @xkt+gc8gOAk6

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