Thread regarding Hallmark in Waxahachie

Protect your employees

Protect your employees. As you close your store it is been brought to my attention for many many years there is no cameras there is nothing to protect your employees from theft from the back door to the front door nothing at all noticed that the Briarpatch have no security as well one and two not to mention there are other obstacles that are easy to breach I think it’s time that you protect your employees put cameras up I know you’re closing but you need to do what you shou as you close your store it is been brought to my attention for many many years there is no cameras there is nothing to protect your employees from theft from the back door to the front door nothing at all noticed that the Briarpatch is well one and two not to mention there are other obstacles that are easy to breach I think it’s time that you protect your employees put cameras up especially when you’re closing the store and you should put cameras and your other stores as well you were lying you’re employees to protect your investment yet you don’t protect your investment of your employees consider this as a warning to foolishness for other people who choose not to use security to protect their employees I strongly recommend that you take the time to install this equipment now regardless of your closings it is in your best interest especially in today’s world!!!! You are responsible for your employees protection at all times

| 325 views | | 1 reply (January 25, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+gTSvaGww

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We watch them and protect them I hope you’ll do the same in the future they are safe due to people like us who watch over them

Post ID: @xta+gTSvaGww

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