Thread regarding IGA Supermarket in St. Johns

This Owner Doesn't care about the people of St. Johns

Okay so how many people are aware that St. Johns was going to purchase and then give the ALCO building to Basha's so Basha's could come in put a lot of St. Johns residents to work and also give us a much better Grocery store at much better prices and to say the least FRESH MEATS.

But once the owner of this IGA found out about what St. Johns was going to do he went to ALCO and paid $400,000.00 for the building so he could keep Basha's from coming into St. Johns Putting people to work and making him lower his prices and provide fresh food and Meats, as we know he has been caught a few times taking out of date meat remixing it and repackaging it and trying to sell it.

I will say this 4 years ago when i bought a home and moved to St. Johns i went to this IGA and bought 1 jar of Jiffy Peanut Butter (not the huge family size but not a real small one either) 1 jar of Welch's Grape Jelly and 2 loaves of bread that ended up tasting like Saw dust, these 4 items cost me $16.00 I have NEVER bought any other food items from this store since but do once in a great while buy things from the Ace side of the store when all i need is one or two things and do not want to go to Show Low Home Depot for so few things.

Now i understand that small town Grocery stores hike their prices up as i grew up during the summers in a town even smaller then St. Johns, But the prices this store charges on almost everything is doing nothing but ripping off the people of St. Johns showing this owner has no comcern for the people of St. Johns and only thinks of his own pocket and bank account.

This needs to stop the people of St, Johns needs to stop going to this store and keep going to Dollar General for the food supplies that they carry and to Stores in Springerville and Show Low for the major food purchases and send him the message that by buying the ALCO store and keeping healthy Competition out of St. Johns and keeping many people from the chance to get a good job at good pay and not having to drive 50 miles one way to Show Low for work or 30 miles to Springerville.

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