Thread regarding Nordstrom in Norfolk

Do not close Nordstrom Instead Reinvent the Store

Instead of closing the only decent clothing store in the area please consider reinventing or rethinking this store. Expand the beauty area by including a spa and salon. Every girl no matter her age loves lip color and fragrance. Install those tech savvy mirrors that let you ‘try out’ lip and makeup colors and hues without ever using a tester. Keep light menu items and wine flights in the restaurant and promote more desserts to go. Also add gluten and dairy free desserts as well. Reduce size of children’s and men’s clothing areas.
Please rethink this store before closing Nordstrom. Besides, while I also do indulge in online shopping myself I also realize that you just have to try on items like shoes and many clothes. Honestly, while it is certainly feasible, you just can’t shop 100% online we really need to touch, feel and try-on so many items!
Come on Jamie Nordstrom give us another chance in Hampton Roads!
Thanks for reading and considering this email plea.
A Loyal Nordstrom Customer

| 538 views | | 2 replies (last August 6, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+gG4YZ0ZB

2 replies (most recent on top)

Yes, innovation is a must

Post ID: @cmlyj+gG4YZ0ZB

I think a lot of people also forget in this area what a Luxury Department store really is. As an advid traveler I think people in Norfolk are not exposed to what luxury truly means. During my visit to Norfolk to visit friends I stopped in Nordstrom. It’s a stable store around the world with food I am familiar with and when I travel it feels like home to stop into a Nordstrom. This was by far the bleakest Nordstrom I had been to. No huge brands, very few sale associates and what startled me the most is how many people complained about the price of the food. I mean not to be rude but this isn’t your neighborhood Applebee’s. The ingredients are organic, clean and readily available to you. This is also a Nordstrom. Which prides itself on quality, over quantity. I don’t understand how people can demand a store to remain when the customer base isn’t there. I never bat an eyelash at price when it’s quality product. So when I walk around this bleak Nordstrom and here people audibly complaining about price I stop to wonder how Nordstrom has stayed in this location as long as it has. Without a customer base a store can not generate revenue and at the end of the day Nordstrom is a business. Just like Disneyworld is the happiest place on earth it is a Corporation first and for most.

Post ID: @cahvk+gG4YZ0ZB

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