Thread regarding Dairy Queen

DQ Store Closing List 2017

Do you maybe have a comprehensive list of DQ stores that will be closed in 2017. I will need locations listed, and addresses and phone numbers of all stores that will be closed. Thank you in advance!

| 344 views | no reactions | 1 reply (April 27, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+g6ezTjae
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For the business McDonald's is better than Walmart and Kmart is better than Dairy Queen! McDonald's is the winner, Walmart is second, Kmart is third and Dairy Queen is the loser in Des Plaines, Illinois in general! McFlurry beats Blizzard because McDonald's sponsors the All American high school basketball game ( Dairy Queen does not sponsor the All American high school basketball game ). Dairy Queen should close all the stores in the metropolitan areas of Chicago, Illinois; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Columbus, Ohio; Dayton, Ohio; Indianapolis, Indiana; Lafayette, Indiana; Los Angeles, California; and New York, New York because Dairy Queen is fit in both the metropolitan areas of Minneapolis, Minnesota and Butte, Montana for both the Hamburger and the Ice Cream; Dairy Queen is not fit in the metropolitan areas of Chicago, Illinois; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Columbus, Ohio; Dayton, Ohio; Indianapolis, Indiana; Lafayette, Indiana; Los Angeles, California; and New York, New York for both the Hamburger and the Ice Cream - McDonald's is fit n the metropolitan areas of Chicago, Illinois; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Columbus, Ohio; Dayton, Ohio; Indianapolis, Indiana; Lafayette, Indiana; Los Angeles, California; and New York, New York for both the Hamburger and the Ice Cream!

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Post ID: @bkfeir+g6ezTjae

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