Thread regarding Rite Aid

All the Rite Aids that are closing in Ohio

How many more stores will be closing in Ohio? Surely this isn't all:

8085 Broadview Road, Broadview Heights

3010 Whipple Avenue NW, Canton

614 Bradshaw Avenue, East Liverpool

2975 West Market Street, Fairlawn

36212 Euclid Avenue, Willoughby

I have a bad feeling about this. Rite Aid will just find a way to close even more stores. It's depressing how much we have to worry about our pharmacies closing down like this.

| 91 views | | 1 reply (January 2)
Post ID: @OP+1qmoCef1

1 reply

I think that's all for now. Rite Aid will announce more closings when they have them planned out

Post ID: @1xty+1qmoCef1

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