Thread regarding Best Buy

Best Buy... less closures more openings

I'm sick and tired of hearing about all these closures. It makes me so queasy to think that the company might one day go completely under. Please focus on adding new, better stores rather than closing your existing ones (that were never that bad in the first place!).

| 391 views | | 2 replies (last June 3, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1b3lUxcr

2 replies (most recent on top)

Think about this when you shop at Best Buy. CEO Corie Barry made over 12 million the last fiscal year. While her earnings go up she eliminated 5000 fulltime employees. The employees left in the stores are being asked to do the same amount of work as 3 employees but not allowed to have overtime. This CEO is setting up her employees and stores to fail. In the end it means that customers will lose out on what use to be a great shopping experience.

Post ID: @7vxg+1b3lUxcr

I don't know, I could name a few Best Buy stores that were severely lacking in quality.

Post ID: @4jif+1b3lUxcr

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