Thread regarding Beauty Brands

Why did Beauty Brands close

Would love to have some info on the store at 9197 Westview Rd in Lone Tree, Colorado. I was there a few times and I had a nice time. The store was pretty good and I'm confused as to why it's now closed.

Is there any info on that? Thanks in advance.

| 417 views | | 2 replies (last May 25, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1aUCg3TZ

2 replies (most recent on top)

@2udu+1aUCg3TZ The pandemic had nothing to do with this closing.

Post ID: @7cvm+1aUCg3TZ

Beauty Brands closes stores from time to time with no warning. Hmm, I remember that it was open pre-COVID 19. I don't think the pandemic caused the closure though.

Post ID: @2udu+1aUCg3TZ

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