Thread regarding Hooters

How is Hooters holding up?

How is Hooters doing?

I remember a time when Hooters was incredibly popular. It doesn't seem that they are that loved now. COVID-19 didn't help their business either I bet. I have to wonder.

Will the 2020s be the decade where Hooters ceases to exist? Or will they get back on their feet? I doubt that will happen somehow.

| 684 views | no reactions | 2 replies (last March 5, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+19HdydO2
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2 replies (most recent on top)

@1dss+19HdydO2 I disagree. All companies will have to update their image or even altogether reinvent themselves if they want to survive the 2020s. Hooters is one of the few chains that just can't change (and if they did, they would lose their appeal) and that's why they will disappear in the future.

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Post ID: @1lom+19HdydO2

No doubt that the pandemic has shaken things up for the company, but you're definitely underestimating the popularity of such chains like Hooters have among certain people. They will be open throughout the 2020s.

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Post ID: @1dss+19HdydO2

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