Thread regarding OSH (Orchard Supply Hardware) in Bakersfield

Such a shame

How many times do you go to Home Depot or Lowe's and walk around forever or ask a know nothing employee for help? OSH was great. The employees were helpful and knew where to direct you. It was in a good location. I am upset and disappointed that the store is closing as I shopped there many times over the years. Make way for another piece of junk store.

| 463 views | | 3 replies (last November 16, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+g7QOMJqk

3 replies (most recent on top)

I'd like to say sorry to all people who are losing their jobs. That's horrible. I hope all of you find jobs soon. This was a fine company and I agree on the prices, they were high, but good service was worth it.

Post ID: @wmil+g7QOMJqk

Sorry that they are closing and people are losing their jobs but OSH was expensive. Even going in there at their closing sale and the prices were still higher than Lowes or Home Depot even at 40% off.

Post ID: @wdra+g7QOMJqk

It is a shame that Lowe's bought OSH. They have been closing other OSH stores in California. The great service from the OSH employees will be missed.

Post ID: @bsaq+g7QOMJqk

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